Prova Fevereiro



Manga de Sábado realizada e Manga de Domingo cancelada devido ao vento de leste.

2025-02-22  Race to Goal 17.8 km

Provisório (falta 1 tracklog)

# Name Glider SS ES Time
1 Vasco Monteiro Gin Carrera 14:00:00 15:04:12 01:04:12 15.7 17.79 365.1 162.0 472.9 1000.0
2 Nuno Aguiar Niviuk Artik 5 14:00:00 15:05:46 01:05:46 15.4 17.79 365.1 133.9 450.9 949.9
3 Evandro Amaro Nova Triton 2 14:00:00 15:06:34 01:06:34 15.2 17.79 365.1 137.6 441.8 944.5
4 Jorge Abreu Ozone Rush 6 14:00:00 15:27:52 01:27:52 11.5 17.79 365.1 99.7 261.1 725.9
5 Antonio Freitas Air Design Rise 5 14:00:00 15:30:29 01:30:29 11.2 17.79 365.1 89.7 241.8 696.6
6 Joao Quintal Niviuk Hook 14:00:00 15:30:37 01:30:37 11.1 17.79 365.1 68.4 240.8 674.3
7 Ivone Silva Nova Aonic 14:00:00 8.18 167.9 167.9
8 Marco Pestana 777 Rook 3.00 61.6 61.6

Classificação por Clubes

3 melhores classificações de cada clube

Task Date Distance [km] FTV Validity Type
T1 Prova Fevereiro 22 2025-02-22    17.8 100% Race to goal

# Name Nat Glider Sponsor T 1 Total
1 CSD Camara de Lobos 2894
Vasco Monteiro M POR Gin Carrera 1000.0
Nuno Aguiar M POR Niviuk Artik 5 949.9
Evandro Amaro M POR Nova Triton 2 944.5
2 Clube Desportivo e Recreativo dos Prazeres 865
Antonio Freitas M POR Air Design Rise 5 696.6
Ivone Silva F POR Nova Aonic 167.9
3 AD Porto da Cruz 788
Jorge Abreu M POR Ozone Rush 6 725.9
Marco Pestana M POR 777 Rook 61.6
4 ACDJardim da Serra 674
Joao Quintal M POR Niviuk Hook 674.3

Task definition

No Leg Dist. Id Radius Open Close Coordinates Altitude
1 0.0 km 4DA040 400 m 09:00 23:00 Lat: 32.70284 Lon: -17.12692 417 m
2 SS 0.1 km 4BF000 1000 m 14:00 23:00 Lat: 32.70133 Lon: -17.13645 12 m
3 0.7 km 4BF000 400 m 14:00 23:00 Lat: 32.70133 Lon: -17.13645 12 m
4 1.5 km 4BB000 400 m 14:00 23:00 Lat: 32.69237 Lon: -17.12437 7 m
5 2.2 km 4DA040 400 m 14:00 23:00 Lat: 32.70284 Lon: -17.12692 417 m
6 3.0 km 5BH042 400 m 14:00 23:00 Lat: 32.70815 Lon: -17.1401 424 m
7 5.7 km 4BA028 400 m 14:00 23:00 Lat: 32.68928 Lon: -17.1111 287 m
8 10.4 km 5BF038 400 m 14:00 23:00 Lat: 32.71943 Lon: -17.15772 382 m
9 10.9 km 5BG026 400 m 14:00 23:00 Lat: 32.71372 Lon: -17.14743 264 m
10 11.9 km 5BD073 400 m 14:00 23:00 Lat: 32.72527 Lon: -17.1375 731 m
11 13.1 km 5BE047 1000 m 14:00 23:00 Lat: 32.7339 Lon: -17.162 447 m
12 ES 17.0 km 4BC056 400 m 14:00 23:00 Lat: 32.70548 Lon: -17.1173 566 m
13 17.8 km 4AA000 400 m 14:00 23:00 Lat: 32.6988 Lon: -17.13112 10 m

Leading-time ratio: 26%

Task statistics

param value
task_distance 17.787
ss_distance 16.839
launch_to_ess_distance 16.933
qnh_setting 1013.25
no_of_pilots_in_competition 18
max_time_en_route 00:00:00
max_time_en_route_tp 0
no_of_pilots_present 8
no_of_pilots_flying 8
no_of_pilots_lo 2
no_of_pilots_landed_before_stop 0
sum_dist_over_min 93.906
sum_real_dist_over_min 93.906
sum_flown_distances 116.906
best_dist 17.787
best_real_dist 17.787
best_time 1.07
last_finisher_start_time 2025-02-22T14:00:00Z
last_start_time 2025-02-22T14:00:00Z
first_start_time 2025-02-22T14:00:01Z
first_finish_time 2025-02-22T15:04:12Z
last_ss_finish_time 2025-02-22T15:30:37Z
last_landed_before_ess_finish_time 2025-02-22T15:00:02Z
no_of_pilots_reaching_es 6
no_of_pilots_reaching_goal 6
max_time_to_get_time_points 2.1044
goalratio 0.75
arrival_weight 0
departure_weight 0
leading_weight 0.162
time_weight 0.4729
distance_weight 0.3651
smallest_leading_coefficient 0.7439
available_points_distance 365.1
available_points_time 472.9
available_points_departure 0
available_points_leading 162
available_points_arrival 0
time_validity 1
launch_validity 1
distance_validity 1
stop_validity 1
day_quality 1
ftv_day_validity 1
time_points_stop_correction 0

Scoring formula settings

param value
id GAP2023
is_pg_comp 1
day_quality_override 0
bonus_gr 4
jump_the_gun_factor 0
jump_the_gun_max 0
min_dist 3
nom_dist 15
nom_goal 0.25
nom_launch 0.96
nom_time 0.75
normalize_1000_before_day_quality 0
time_points_if_not_in_goal 0
use_1000_points_for_max_day_quality 0
use_arrival_position_points 0
use_arrival_time_points 0
use_departure_points 0
use_difficulty_for_distance_points 0
use_distance_points 1
use_leading_points 1
use_semi_circle_control_zone_for_goal_line 1
use_time_points 1
scoring_altitude GPS
final_glide_decelerator none
min_time_span_for_valid_task 23
score_back_time 5
use_proportional_leading_weight_if_nobody_in_goal 1
leading_weight_factor 1
turnpoint_radius_tolerance 0.002
turnpoint_radius_minimum_absolute_tolerance 5
number_of_decimals_task_results 1
number_of_decimals_competition_results 0
redistribute_removed_time_points_as_distance_points 1
use_best_score_for_ftv_validity 1
use_constant_leading_weight 1
use_flat_decline_of_timepoints 1
use_leading_time_ratio 1
optimize_ss_alone 0
Report created: 2025-02-24T19:21:52Z